Category: Customer Testimonials

In this section, we compile testimonials from BirdGard Iberia customers who share their experiences with problems they had with various bird or animal species. They also discuss how they managed to solve these issues using pest repellers.


How to Repel Seagulls from Rooftops

This article explains how one of BirdGard Iberia’s clients managed to repel seagulls from the rooftops of their factory. Flocks of thousands of seagulls were continuously using the roofs of one of the buildings in the factory, which spans over 75,000 square meters. Their presence resulted in over a ton of waste and dirt per year. Thanks to the bioacustic Bird Gard seagull repellers , the seagulls have relocated to other areas away from the factory, ceasing to be a problem.


How to Repel Pigeons

This article provides good advice on how to repel pigeons from balconies, roofs, crops, gardens, swimming pools, antennas, and more.


How to scare off Martens and Squirrels

In this article, Miguel explains how he managed to scare off a marten that was attacking his chicken coop and squirrels that were stealing his hazelnuts, with the WK0052 animal repeller.