Avoiding Birds on Solar Panels
What Problems Do Birds Cause on Solar Panels?
Birds create two main problems on solar panels and photovoltaic installations:
- When perching on the panels, their droppings dirty the surfaces, negatively affecting performance and reducing their lifespan.
- Especially pigeons, tend to nest under the panels, which can cause damage to cables, increase the risk of fires, and decrease the efficiency of the panels. Moreover, the heat generated by the panels can affect the viability of the bird eggs, putting them at risk.
Impact of Bird Droppings on Solar Panels
The efficiency of photovoltaic panels is essential for optimal solar energy generation, but it is compromised by various environmental factors, including bird droppings. A study from the Vellore Institute of Technology has shown that bird droppings significantly reduce the thermal efficiency of panels, more so than other types of dirt like dust. The research found that efficiency can decrease by up to 29% with just 10 g of droppings, highlighting the importance of keeping the panels clean to ensure their optimal operation.
Solutions to Protect Solar Panels from Birds
To counter these problems, it is crucial to adopt effective cleaning and maintenance strategies, as well as preventive solutions. BirdGard Iberia proposes the following specific solutions:
- BirdBlocker: A protective comb that prevents birds from nesting under the panels. Available in two models, it adapts to almost any type of panel.
- ProSolarBirds: Telescopic arms, ending in small vanes, which rotate with a gentle breeze and prevent birds from perching on the panels. One device can protect up to 4 solar panels.
- BioAcoustic BirdGard Repellers: Emit specific sounds to scare away different types of birds, covering extensive areas.
Invitation to Solar Panel Installers
If you are a solar energy professional or installer of solar panels, solar plates, photovoltaic panels contact BirdGard Iberia today to become part of their recommended installer network.
In a market as competitive as photovoltaic energy, we will help you to correctly advise your clients, offering them the best solutions for each case. Quality solutions so that your clients can protect their investment, the profitability of their installation, and be satisfied with your work and advice.
We offer you the best solutions so that you can easily install them on both previously mounted solar panels and new solar systems.
We are your single point of contact to provide you with flexibility and speed, when you need it, of the devices to deter birds from perching on the panels or nesting under them in your installations.